Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thank you LORD

June 7, 2008.. when I got my third job. :)

I just want to thank GOD for all the blessings,for the guidance, for the LOVE.
Its a tiring day for me today coz I’m back to circulation… work+ extra curricular activities. I have to wake up again early in the morning… everyday. I have to wait and ride bus again to go to work. I have to take my lunchbox everyday. I have to adjust again with my new colleagues and new environment. But all these adjustments didn’t bothered me that much and not hard for me to do, because my found old"FRIEND" helped me to go through with easiness.

What made me happy about this is during the time that I am "idle" and a little bit down, HE showed me to where and to whom should I run and asked help. HE sent people who will bring me to HIM. When I chose to give up something that I used to, when I asked for something better, HE didn’t gave it to me in one click.
Losing something that you used to have is not that easy. Quitting on my previous job is one example. When I resigned, I was actually half-hearted, in a sense that… though I know that there is a new job waiting for me, I cannot taken for granted the years that I’d been in former company. Within that years, not only that I gained knowledge on my work, but I gained some "true friends"… and for me, its like.. no like other than them. But there were circumstances happened that I cannot taken also for granted, which I felt so offended, which somehow, I doubt my ability and asked myself why? which caused me to become less productive and lousy, which made me feel the anger everytime I see some persons that I hate, which pushed me to withdraw my contract.

But  what you expect is not what always happen. When I finished my notice period of resignation, and joined the new company, it lasted for only… guess what???? ONE DAY. What I thought about the company didnt match with the reality.. But the reality is also there.. reality that the first impression is not always last. Instead of taking it negatively, I just assumed that maybe it was not really meant for me to be there, that there is better than that and GOD is preparing it for me, and He’s preparing me  as well. I prayed for it, and true to its word… that IF YOU BELIEVE AND HAVE FAITH, YOUR PRAYER WILL BE HEARD AND GRANTED.

I had some trials further than that before HE finally gave it to me. He tested me on how to decide and he gave me a chance to choose what I really want. As they say, WHAT YOU GET IS WHAT YOU PROCLAIM. When I received a call for interview, and as soon as I hung up the phone, I proclaimed that " I will get the job on Monday"..just to lift up my hope, because I already had some interviews and if Im going to count how many email applications that I sent.. maybe 100 or more?  But sometimes, GOD is a sweet joker. When I said "Monday", HE didn’t gave it the same day that I presumed. Instead, HE gave it… one day ADVANCE. and what made me feel happier…. I’m enjoying what I’m doing now  and I’m into the field that I really want to.. even before. :D

for the thought: PROVERB 3:26-26
"Have no fear on sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence, and keep your foot from being snared"

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