Friday, January 28, 2011

Amazing God

I wrote this more than 5 years ago, May 22, 2005

Do you really know how God works? You’ll never know unless you believe in Him and trust Him.
       Its been four months since I started looking for a job. Four months is not a joke. I applied in several companies. I took how many job examinations. I was interviewed by several HRs and managers. I walked under the super duper heat of the sun and my feet ached . I almost got a collection of Manila Bulletin Sunday Issue. I surfed and registered in some online job search engines. I dressed myself in a way that I’m not really comfortable with like wearing formal dresses, high-heeled shoes and facial cosmetics. I went to places that I’m not familiar and tried to get there. I did all of these because of my eagerness to have a job. But then, no one from those companies hired me. :(( Its really disgusting and I was frustrated. I asked myself why and begin to loss my confidence and pity for myself. I felt so "bobo", useless, ugly… all the negative adjectives. But inspite of all these feelings, I still hold on to God. I continue praying and believing that one day, He will grant my request. I just continued applying to show Him my determination. I did things which I thought pleasing to His eyes.
   Wednesday night, I just came out from the church when I received a call. The number appeared ain’t in my phonebook  so i wondered who’s calling. When I answered it, He’s a man from an agency. He asked me to come to their office tomorrow morning for an interview. Though it wasn’t clear to me, and I didnt remember that I applied on their agency, I said yes and and went to their office the next day. I didn’t expected that the persons who will interview me were not Filipinos. I also learned that the said agency is an overseas agency. So I’m not expecting that I will be selected. But when it was finished, they said I’m in (not out… hehehe :D) I couldn’t believe it but when they told me that I have to process my papers… I didnt said anything but thank you!
   Until now I cant believe it. But then I’m so thankful to God for this great opportunity that He gave me. Its another proof that when He is the one who acts, nothing is impossible. Its really amazing! So I can say to those who face big problems, who suffer other afflictions… hold on! Dont be so hopeless. Everything happened to us has reasons. The thing we should do is to find it. Find the real purpose.. and we can not discover it unless we start on the right reference…. its GOD! :D

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