Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy New You! - New Years Resolution 2015

This is part of my script for being TMOD (first time) :) last night. I expanded it since there's no time limit in reading. Lolz

Happy New Year! I believe every one of us had a blast in 2014 and we are looking forward to be more bless and fruitful this 2015. I believe all of us had a great holiday... some went back home with their families, some went on trip and some were happy to stay and did their daily job. :)

Yes, it’s New Year which means, it’s a new beginning, new hope, new resolutions, new you! During the yearend, we recapped on what was happened to our whole year, whether we successfully achieved our set resolutions for the year or not. From there, we create another resolutions/ or recommit again with our old goals. According to Wikipedia, a new year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the western hemisphere but also found in the Eastern hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice. As we all know, New Year’s resolutions are seemed simple promises, but too often failed to do so, just right to the connotation about making promises… they are made to be broken.

I will share with you the 5 most common New Year’s resolutions that are popular yet hard to achieve every year. I found some suggestions on how to bring them into reality.

1. Do you know that the top 1 common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight? I understand why. During holiday season, we had a lot of parties! Right and left! Sometimes we attended two parties a day. We ate a lot, we gained weight and so we promised to get back in shape after all the feasts. Some steps to do are to portion control using kitchen scale - you have to weight the food you gonna eat; eat healthy foods, sign for a gym membership to get you more motivated  in doing exercise (if budget is a problem, run to the nearest park! :) - (in short, balance diet) and track your body weight.

2. Quit bad habit like smoking and drinking. These bad habits have negative impact both to your health and your wallet. But quitting from smoking and drinking can be a process that takes some people number of years. Smokers can replace the cigarettes with chewing gums or candy. Drinkers can try alternatives such as herbal teas, ciders, energy drinks or non-alcohol drinks. You also need a support network to do this and you can get the best support from your family – your wife and children if you are married for example. Just think of the scary face of your wife... just kidding, think of them whenever you crave for smoke or drink and you’ll be awaken. Another motivator is to save the money that you supposed to send on cigarettes/beer/alcoholic drink then reward yourself something nice!

3. The 3rd one is to get out of debt and save money. It’s one of my resolutions four years ago so I can speak through my experience on how I freed myself out of debt. What I did was, I cut all of my 5 maximized credit cards… literally. I prioritized to pay my credit card bills above the minimum. I thought of the collector agents who rang me and made me boiled as my motivator. I didn’t carry much money when I know the mall is on sale. I opened a bank account in the Philippines so I can’t withdraw it. I got married so there’s someone who’ll pay the rest of my debts! Just kidding. I successfully paid them all after two or three years. It took sometime but it’s worthy and rewarding. Now I don’t have any credit card but I have prepaid card – I just reload it for online purchases, I buy and pay with cash or debit card. I feel rich doing that. :)

4. Getting organized

5. Spend more time with family.

I believe  top 4 and 5 are for career persons and family man.

Whatever your New Year's resolutions are, there are simple steps to do it.

1. Know your priority – by importance.
2. Learn  and apply time management.
3. Minimize or don’t procrastinate when things are possible to be done.
4. Commit to your priorities.

New Year's resolution is not just a list of wishes. You have to work for it if you really want to be transformed: from good to better, from better to best. But if happens that you FAILED, don't quit. Remember that it doesn’t matter how many times you failed to achieve our set goals. What matter is you don’t stop. Don’t magnify the failures. Step on it instead, use it as stepping stone, until you reach your goals.

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