Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Your Later Could be the End of Everything

Today is not so happy day.

We lost Pico. Aside from being sad because we lost her permanently, I felt a guilt because I didn't bring her to vet clinic right away when we noticed something wrong with her. Two days ago, we noticed that she's having a hard time to poop. I thought its not too serious because she's still active and playful. I just fill their water bin and told her to drink a lot.

Last night, when I was preparing to cook, our flatmates told me that she was totally different. She didn't welcome them when they came home. She's hiding herself under the dining table. She didn't move a lot and seemed like she had a flu. Because I was busy in the kitchen and it's already evening, I thought I'll (or Khitz) bring her to vet tomorrow  (today). I finished cooking at 9pm and was able to look at her condition. She was so low and really looked like she's not feeling well. I gave her a blanket thinking she's feeling cold. I was determined to bring her to vet clinic. I even asked Pinoy Animal lovers group in FB where is the nearest vet in Najma. before I sleep.

When I woke up this morning. I'm still at bed when Khitz told me that she passed away already. That's not a good wake up call. Now I'm grieving. :(

It gives me one strong message: Your LATER could be the end of everything. If I just sensitive enough and brought her to vet on the first symptom. If I just acted on it earlier than I thought I should. But I could not bring back the time. It's another experience that should not happen again. It should not happen to Luna.

Goodbye Pico.

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