Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I am God's Favourite

This is my toastmaster speech no. 6

Would you believe if I tell you that among the people here right now, I am God’s favourite? Not you but me! No? I insist. Do you want to know why? I’ll tell you why.

Let me start when I was just a little kid, maybe 2 or 3 years old. Do you see my scars on my neck? It was because of unexplainable lumps that popped in to my neck. It swelled, became a very serious disease and malignant. I can still remember when my grandmother squeezed the pus out of the lumps. I cried out loud because of intolerable pain. Can I pinch you? Does it hurt? Yes? It’s nothing compared to what I suffered that time. It’s 50 times to what you feel! Take note that she did that to me every day! My mother had gone through a lot of suffering too looking for a cure. She even sold my name to our neighbour for 10 pesos hoping that I will be healed! She traded my name as Snooky. That’s how desperate she was. My illness lasted for more than a year. They thought I’ll never last long and die but 30 years have gone passed. Here I am in front of you, still alive and delivering my speech number 6! Why? Because I am God’s favourite.

 Still at the very young age, maybe 5, my mom went abroad whilst my father was “sumakabilang bahay”. I and my siblings were left with our relatives. We lived in different houses. Five years on my father’s side and six years on my mother’s side. We all know that it’s not easy to live in different roofs. To make it short, I am a product of broken family and I grew up without proper guidance. I am forced to be independent and be responsible for my actions. But then, I was on top ten in elementary, I graduated valedictorian in High School and finished Civil Engineer course. When I took the civil engineering board examination, guess what, out of 15 from our batch, only one was passed! Who’s that? No other than but me. See, I am God’s favourite. 
Are you not yet convinced that I am God’s favourite? Let’s look into my career history. As soon as I passed the exam, I applied for a job. But I’m not good at selling myself so after three months; I got my first job... for free. I became a nanny! My sister was too proud saying “Look at my baby sitter; she’s a certified civil engineer! Until one day I got a call from anonymous. When I answered it, he’s a man from an agency. He asked me to come to their office tomorrow morning for an interview. Though it wasn’t clear to me, and I didn’t remember that I applied on that agency, I said yes and went to their office the next day. I didn’t expect that the persons who will interview me were not Filipinos and they’re recruiting employees for their interior company in Dubai. In my mind “Wow! International!” I’m not expecting to be selected because aside from having zero experience, all I can say was “Yes sir!” and smiled a lot during the interview. But when it was finished, they said I’m in, not out! They even doubled the salary that I was asking for! Amazing isn’t it? How did it happen? Well… I am God’s favourite!

After 3 years, I decided to resign and find a new job that inclined with construction. Someone told me to apply to a well-known company in construction industry. They were looking for a 10 year experience candidate. At first I was reluctant to send my CV because I just have a mere 3 years’ experience but decided to send it thinking nothing to loss. After 3 months I got a call from this company. Would you believe that I am hired over the phone? He just told me that he received my CV and asked me when I can start. I was not even asked for face to face interview or even take examination. This company even doubled my salary from my previous job! Woowww… I’m really God’s favourite!

 After my three months’ probation, I got my first ever new purple Honda Civic car. But after 3 weeks, recession stroked, I got notice. First in, first out! I’m terminated! Oh no! How about my loan? How I’m going to pay for it? Don’t fret because I am God’s favourite. Before I finish the one month notice period, I was retracted. Now, I’m already six years in the same company.

 How about my love life? When I was a kid, I was teased and bullied because of my scars on my neck. They said no one will like me and I will never have a boyfriend or husband. Because of that, I grew up with lack of self-confidence; I didn’t see myself as adorable as like other girls. But you know what? I had 1, 2, 3,4,5,6, ex-boyfriends, although five of them were failed. Some of them I was fooled and some of them I am fooled. I even told to myself “I don’t want to marry and just have kids instead”. But I am God’s favourite, so He gave me the 6th ex and he is now my husband.
Hearing all my bragging, you may say my experiences are nothing compared to what you’ve gone through and had overcome. You may claim that you are God’s favourite too and I will not object on that. You may ask, does God really taking favour over another? The truth is – God doesn’t. When I told you that I am his favourite over you, I lied. He said in Romans 9:15-16, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion,[a] but on God, who has mercy. He let the sun shines on evil and good, and sends rain to the just and unjust alike, according to Matthew 5:45.

Indeed we all have different circumstances, troubles, pain, and sufferings. God responded and acted on it according to his will and purpose, whether we asked Him or not. But then, we are also different on how we recognize and appreciate His works according to our relationship with Him.

 I am healed not because my Mom sold my name. I finished my education and became certified doesn't mean I’m studious or I came from good family. I passed the exam doesn't mean I'm genius and my batch mates were dumb, they're better than me.  I got my first international job doesn't mean I am well competent. I got married not because I am wife material. I am what I am today not because of my own works or by anybody but because of God’s mercy and compassion on me. His works on my life are the manifestations of his word saying: I am your God; for me nothing is impossible”. For these reasons, therefore, I claimed and declared: “I AM GOD’S FAVOURITE”.

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