Friday, September 2, 2011

Many who are first will be last, and the last first.

Matthew 19:30 "But many who are first will be last, and the last first"

 Prior to this verse, the disciples asked Jesus of who will be saved. Jesus said that all who followed him, everyone who has dare to leave his house, his family or his great possessions, for His sake, will receive hundredfold and eternal life.

And this verse followed.

This verse appears not once but also mentioned in:
 Matthew 20:16 Mark 10:31 and Luke 13:30 

What does it mean? Its too deep. Does it contradict the "there's a power on first?

I found some answers online:

1. Jesus wants us to serve people with our gifts and talents and not just serve ourselves. He wants us to give of our time and our money to serve lost humanity. It's through serving others that we are great in the Kingdom. Article Source:

 2. One meaning is that people who are first—“important”—in this life, will not necessarily have such status in the kingdom of God. Those who are of lesser standing—“the weak of the world”—are normally those God calls (I Cor. 1:27). It is, then, these individuals who will have top­—FIRST—positions in God’s kingdom.
Another meaning of this verse can be found by reading verses 24-30 of Luke 13. During the life of Christ, the Jews were the first to hear the gospel of God’s kingdom. However, most did not accept Christ or believe His message. But when Christ opened the gospel to the Gentiles, many accepted it. They believed and followed God. In this example, even though the Gentiles were LAST to receive the gospel and the chance to be in the kingdom, they will be among the FIRST to enter it!

3. It means there is no advantage, status, or honor in God's kingdom.

4. Riches are an obstacle to entering the kingdom that cannot be overcome by human power.
The comparison with the impossibility of a camel's passing through the eye of a needle should not be mitigated by such suppositions as that the eye of a needle means a low or narrow gate. When a person is very rich with money they tend to gaze upon the mirror and view oneself as a god.
When the above occurs rarely do we find room for God since we feel we are a god. Regardless, as to how rich we become in life we must always examine ourself and place things into persepective. Nothing on this Earth can compare to the Kingdom of heaven nor eternal and everlasting life with the Almighty. Article Source:

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