Friday, November 15, 2013

The Message is Clear

Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight. - Psalm 119:143

But how can we access God's command in times of trouble and distress like ST Yolanda gave? no communication, no electricity, no food, no water, almost everything are wiped out. No bible book, or even notepad where we used to write his Words. ST Yolanda aftermath is just a light example of what has to come in the end of the world. 

Yes we can call God, we can say "Help me Lord!" But how can we hear Him if we don't know his Words? How can He comfort us? How can we know his commands?

Nowadays we use our cellphones, ipads and tablets in the church. Bible is within our reach with these gadgets. Just download it and tadaaaah! We can even have different versions of it. These gadgets became our reliable source. But what just happened to Leyte made me realized that we should NOT rely to these. Without electricity, signal and internet.... these things are useless!

ST Yolanda's message is clear. In times of trouble and distress, no religion or church can save us nor building can give us shelter. No government can give us a quick relief in the state of emergency. Where can we get help then? Where can we get strength? To our neighbor country.. yes we can. But it's temporary.

Now I understand why we need to meditate his Words day and night. Why do we need to keep His Words in our heart and our mind. Why do we need to build relationship with him and not just knowing His Name.

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