Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tithe to Fast

Gee.. this article was in my draft more than a year ago.. time to publish it!
This article is inspired by our third week of Friday Worship Service last January 20, 2012.. when I was scheduled to exhort tithe and offering.

Our JCTD church- Abu Dhabi just started the FIRST official worship service on FIRST friday of the FIRST month of the year: January 6, 2011 (FYI :D)

Hmm.. First.. First.. First... There's a power in first! That was my FIRST time too.

I'm a bit nervous coz I dont know what to share... It's my FIRST time! I asked God to reveal His words that He wants me to share...

Philippians 4:6 says: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your request be known to God."

This is actually His word for me during my fasting. So I thought, what is the significance of this verse in tithes and offering? ( blue's clues..blue's clues.. Think.. Think... Thinnnnkk!)

Tithing is nothing but same as doing fast.


1. Because they have the same rule: you have to give up something which is IMPORTANT or VALUABLE to you.. or something you used to have or do.

10% of your income is a big deal! Say, your salary is 1000, then you will loss 100 from your wallet. It could be a new pair of jeans/shirt/shoes, or could be a pass ticket in a bar with one bucket of beer! Or if you are a parent, it could be a one week allowance of your kid (I know its not enough, though). How much more if you earn more than that! (i know you do!) How would you let it go from your pocket wholeheartedly, willingly (yours! :P) with J-O-Y in your heart, without grudging, regretting or even doubt? It's not easy... Isn't it?

Same thing with skipping your meal specially during day time when you need most carbo and nutrients to sustain your energy to work.

Same thing with your cigarette, your drugs, even ONE stick when you are addicted to it.

Same thing with your FB, twitter, linkedin, dota, online games and other social media when you are hooked to it.

Same thing with your wrong relationship when you are totally binded to it.. When you cannot let go the person you love most.. When you cannot break the bondage of the flesh.

- because they have the same goal: to Let God know your request / prayer / desire of your heart.

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