Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tithe to Fast

Gee.. this article was in my draft more than a year ago.. time to publish it!
This article is inspired by our third week of Friday Worship Service last January 20, 2012.. when I was scheduled to exhort tithe and offering.

Tithing: Bitter-Sweet

I will consider tithing as "bitter sweet". It's like eating bitter gourd. So FEW EAT it and MANY DEFY it because they dont know the BENEFITS they can get by consuming it, or even worse... they knew.. they just DONT like the "BITTER" taste. We normally like sweets which give toothache and triggers the famous diabetes.

A Promise of Restoration

We just came from our bible study. Everytime our Pastor will say "Be ready for you will be filled with Holy Spirit", it makes me excited because that is the only time I truly pray.. not by my own language but by speaking of tongues. But tonight was different. Why? Because I didn't pray for myself. That's true. From call to worship song: