Friday, February 10, 2017

Test The Lord

Benefits/Purposes of Giving

The Best "FRIEND" on Facebook

Admit it or not, whenever you post something on Facebook, you wish someone will recognize or give attention it. You wish someone will comment or at least press the

Isn't it? (oh c'mon!)

Imagine you post something on your wall. And its like, it just passed by and left alone on your wall. No like... no comment... at all. And its kinda.. urggh.. hurt? Why? Because you have 500+ friends or even 1K and NO one even bother! Seen mode? Hahaha! Ouchy! It maybe childish, but that's the truth. Most people in FB post their pictures, what they are doing ATM, what they're eating, their travel escapades, and even their feeling! (blessed, happy, blah, frustrated! etc. etc.). The intention? They... ermmm... we... posted it not just because we want to inform, brag or share... we want to get attention! We want someone from our "friends list" to respond. Imagine no one get back to you..... SAKLAP! (Bitter! lolz!)